Re: [eclipselink-users] GFv3 + EclipseLink >=2.1.1: Remote EJB client cannot transfer JPA entities through remote session bean

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 10:29:59 -0500

We should be able to narrow down which component of our weaving causes the
problem - and at the same time potentially find a workaround.

Reenable weaving and try turning of the various components of weaving and see
which one causes the problem.

Try each of these:



Xavier Callejas wrote:
> On Vie 17 Dic 2010 07:30:25 Tom Ware escribió:
>> Have you posted this to the GlassFish mailing list? It is not obvious from
>> the portion of the exception you are posting what could be wrong in
>> EclipseLink. Is there a longer exception trace somewhere?
> Yes, I am also tracking this in GF user list.
> The stacktrace says nothing regarding EclipseLink but I think the problem is
> related to it because of a weaving issue.
>> The only thing I can think of in EclipseLink that could cause marshalling
>> exceptions is our weaving. Try setting the persistence unit property
>> eclipselink.weaving to false. If that helps, it will give us somewhere to
>> start looking.
> Yes!, when I disable weaving with:
> ...
> <property name="eclipselink.weaving" value="false"/>
> ....
> in persistence.xml the problem stops.
> Adding a entity class in persistence.xml (plus weaving enabled) as:
> ...
> <class></class>
> ...
> makes that class "untransferable" by remote EJB.
> Curious is that the remote client can retreive a entity class using remote ejb
> method, but can't send the entity to the server (the problem is just in one
> direction), for example:
> ...
> Properties props = new Properties();
> props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "zeus");
> props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "55537");
> InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(props);
> ServiceBeanRemote sb =
> (ServiceBeanRemote) ic.lookup(
> ServiceBeanRemote.class.getCanonicalName());
> // This will work:
> Unlocodes entityInstance = sb.find(Unlocodes.class, "USMIA");
> // This won't work !!!
> sb.send(entityInstance);
> ...
> As I said before with weaving disabled the problem don't occur and the entity
> instace got transferred.
> Regards.
> Xavier.