Re: [eclipselink-users] GFv3 + EclipseLink >=2.1.1: Remote EJB client cannot transfer JPA entities through remote session bean

From: Xavier Callejas <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 11:07:12 -0600

On Vie 17 Dic 2010 10:46:04 Tom Ware escribió:
> Try running your Disconnected remote standalone Java (EJB) client
> application with the java VM argument:
> -javaagent:<eclipselink.jar.location>/eclipselink.jar
> where <eclipselink.jar.location> is the path to your eclipselink jar. This
> will enable weaving on the client side.

It worked!

I re-enabled fetchingroups in persistence.xml and still worked.

Is there another way to active weaving in the client side, other than pass -
javaagent to the jvm?

Thank you in advance!
