Re: Verbose Class loading in 3.1 (b30)

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 12:38:14 -0600

  Try doing both. With today's 3.1 build, I added:


to the server-config, java-config element of the domain.xml, and then
ran "asadmin start-domain --verbose" and I see a message printed for
each class that is loaded.

The JDK verbose messages are printed to stdout, not a logger, so the
--verbose option on start-domain is needed to see the output. If you
want the output to go to a log file, you can add the following JVM options:


if you are using the JDK.


On 11/30/2010 12:21 PM, Pete Helgren wrote:
> I need to get verbose class loading output so that I can diagnose an
> error. When I add -verbose:class to the jvm options in domain.xml I
> don't see any changes in the logging. If I start the domain with the
> --verbose switch I get verbose output but the class loading isn't
> verbose.
> Did I miss something?