Re: Using Xalan native jars in Glassfish V3 - WHY?

From: Pete Helgren <>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 11:10:19 -0600

My prior post may not have made it back to the list so I am reposting as
I need to resolve this soon:

The IBM J9 JVM that I have to use doesn't contain the* classes as far as I can tell and that causes
the Administration Console to fail. So I was going to "manually"
include them. *Just* for Glassfish.

So I still need to know: Where do I put the jars? What configuration
changes/directives do I need to make?

The jvm-options entry is in the email below . I put the jars in several
different places to no avail. The error still points to missing xalan
classes that are only found in Sun's implementation of the JVM:

javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError: Provider com. not found

Just need to implement the standalone Xalan from Apache to work around
this issue. How do I do that?

Pete Helgren
Value Added Software, Inc

On 10/29/2010 8:29 PM, Sanjeeb Sahoo wrote:
> Can you elaborate why you have to use a different JAXP implementation?
> Do you want to replace it JVM wide or you want it to be used only by
> some applications? If you want JVM wide, then you can place the jar in
> glassfish/lib/endorsed or glassfish/lib/ext.
> On Saturday 30 October 2010 03:07 AM, Pete Helgren wrote:
>> I have posted this as part of a problem with the Administration
>> Console but perhaps this approach will bear more fruit:
>> Because of the JVM I am using, I have to include the native Xalan
>> jars from Apache rather than relying on the ones in Java 6. Can
>> anyone give me a pointer or two on how to accompish that in Glassfish
>> V3? I *think* I need to add the following to the java-config section
>> of the domain.xml:
>> <jvm-options>-Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl</jvm-options>
>> What I am having difficulty with is where to place the jar so that
>> they will be picked up in the classpath. Where should they go?
>> Thanks