Re: Using Xalan native jars in Glassfish V3

From: Sanjeeb Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 07:59:38 +0530

Can you elaborate why you have to use a different JAXP implementation?
Do you want to replace it JVM wide or you want it to be used only by
some applications? If you want JVM wide, then you can place the jar in
glassfish/lib/endorsed or glassfish/lib/ext.

On Saturday 30 October 2010 03:07 AM, Pete Helgren wrote:
> I have posted this as part of a problem with the Administration
> Console but perhaps this approach will bear more fruit:
> Because of the JVM I am using, I have to include the native Xalan
> jars from Apache rather than relying on the ones in Java 6. Can
> anyone give me a pointer or two on how to accompish that in Glassfish
> V3? I *think* I need to add the following to the java-config section
> of the domain.xml:
> <jvm-options>-Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl</jvm-options>
> What I am having difficulty with is where to place the jar so that
> they will be picked up in the classpath. Where should they go?
> Thanks