GF 3.0.1 Two Virtual Servers and Two Web-Apps Gone Wild

From: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 03:09:51 -0800


I have configured an additional virtual server to an additional http-listener

%> ./asadmin create-virtual-server

Enter the value for the hosts option> localhost
Enter the value for the virtual_server_id operand> virtual-server-foo

 %> ./asadmin create-http-listener --default-virtual-server

Enter the value for the listeneraddress option>
Enter the value for the listenerport option> 8081
Enter the value for the listener_id operand> http-listener-8081

I have two web applications, one is bound to the default virtual server with
a root context and one is bound to my new "virtual-server-foo" virtual

i can now access my first web-app with and my second
webapp with

after a restart of GF everything works fine. But after a redeployment of one
of my webapps, the other one get's invisible.

e.g. I'm deploying webapp1 to the "server" virtual-server listening at port
8080, my webapp2 is no longe visibile at port 8081.

Instead i get the GF default content saying "Your server is now running
...... etc." After chaning nothing and doing just a restart

of GF everything is fine again and I can access webapp1 at :8080 and webapp2
at :8081

I'm wondering what I'm missing or is this a bug in GF 3.0.1 ?


-- devylon



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