Re: CDI doubts

From: Craig Ringer <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 10:00:42 +0800

On 09/03/2010 06:13 AM, CasMeiron wrote:

> So I have 2 implementations of the EntityManagerWraper. Follow the PUA one:

> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to convert ejbRef for
> ejb PUAEntityManagerWrapper to a business object of type class
> package.BaseEntityManagerWrapper
> It's seems it try to cast the implementations to the base class? What Am
> I doin' wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong.

As a workaround for the bug, you can:

- introduce wrapper methods in the concrete subclasses that call the
super() implementation. Netbeans' "insert overrides" makes this easy, if
ugly. That's what I've done.

- Use an @Local interface that does *NOT* extend any super-interface,
and implement that interface in your concrete EJBs:

interface Blah {
    /// all your public "business" methods from
    /// EntityManagerWrapper and PUAEntityManagerWrapper

public class PUAEntityManagerWrapper
    extends EntityManagerWrapper
    implements Blah {

    // methods

... and when you're using it, inject Blah not PUAEntityManagerWrapper:

public SomeClass {

   @Inject private Blah puaEntityManagerWrapper;


Craig Ringer