Re: context root change yields "file not found" issue

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 08:31:50 -0700

  On 9/27/10 2:17 PM, wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm really about to pull my hair out and bang my head on the table. I don't
> understand this and hope maybe one of you Java guru can help me out here.
> I installed Glassfish Tools Bundle for Eclipse v1.1 on my Mac mini last year and
> created multiple dynamic web projects with a different context root as my
> Dynamic Web project name, with EJB3, servlet, the whole nine yards. No problem.
> Then I installed Glassfish Tools Bundle for Eclipse v1.2, GAE, updates, etc...
> Now, I can't run anything if the context root is not the default value. IE:
> If I create a new Dynamic web project named "test", it will only run my
> helloworld.jsp under http://localhost:8082/test/helloworld.jsp. If I go into
> the project and change the context root to "testme", I'll get something like:
> "file not found" on
> /Users/me/Desktop/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/com.sun.enter
> prise.jst.server.sunappsrv91/v2domain2/docroot/testme/helloworld.jsp
> where "/Users/me/Desktop/workspace" is my defined workspace for Glassfish.
> I even tried to delete everything and install a fresh install of v1.1. I'm
> still getting the same problem. HELP!! Is it a setting somewhere that I need
> to configure or..? I don't know what to do!
> OS: Mac OSX 10.5.8
> JRE doesn't seem to matter but I been using 1.5 (with Java 5) and 1.6 (with Java 6) during my testing.
> Much thanks in advance on any help.
I guess the workspace content is not correct anymore (corrupted?)...
Can you rename the workspace dir, and restart Eclipse...If you have
projects in the workspace, you can use the Eclipse import project
> Julie
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