Attempting to configure resources in a cluster causes HTTP 503

From: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 05:36:13 PDT


I'm attempting to set up a cluster on a single machine (that's all I have available at the moment) with a single instance. My initial thoughts are to start simple and gradually build up the cluster with mulitple local instances, then remote nodes and instances.

I run the following commands, and all works ok:

./asadmin create-cluster mycluster
./asadmin create-node-ssh --nodehost myhost
./asadmin create-instance --cluster mycluster --node node1 mycluster_i1
./asadmin start-cluster mycluster

All commands complete without error. However, when viewing the cluster in the Admin console, the instance (mycluster_i1) is listed as 'stopped'. The logs detail successful startup, and indeed there is a new process running which references the new instance directory under the node (node1).

However, any attempt to stop the instance, or to configure resources results in the following error:

[#|2010-09-22T12:52:35.744+0100|SEVERE|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|dgcdev02_cluster_i1: Error trying to stop the instance named mycluster_i1 : HTTP connection failed with code 503, message: Service Unavailable|#]

A similar error (503 - service unavailable) occurs when I attempt to add a new IIOP Listener resource using the command:

asadmin create-iiop-listener --target mycluster --listeneraddress --iiopport 3701 --enabled=true orb-remote-listener-1

The new IIOP listener appears on the DAS server but not replicated to the instance mycluster_i1.

Has anyone completed a simple clustered setup with the current 3.1 downloads? I am using;

Glassfish 3.1b20 (and also b13, b19, b21)
Linux Centos 5.5
Java 1.6 u20


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