Advice on Glassfish v3 and Portlets

From: <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 09:10:43 PDT

Hi there,
I'd like to get some advice on which is the simplets way to start developing and testing Portlets on Glassfish v3.
I currently use if to struts2 and JSF 2 projects and need to start doing portlets.
I've tried Liferay but haven't been able to integrate bundled Glassfish+Liferay into Eclipse (Eclipse will give and error when starting it as is not a full Glassfish v3). Also, Pluto seems complex to deploy on Glassfish (couldn't find any updated tutorial).
Any opinions on OpenPortal or any other? Just want to test and learn about portlet world.

Thanks for any advice,
[Message sent by forum member 'icordoba']