Working in netbeans 6.8 and glassfish v3.
Web applications have worked great for quite some time - no problems -
even in these slightly older versions.
(note: I have ugraded to netbeans 6.9.1 and v3.0.1 for processing - but
for web app development, I am still in the older version.)
After working for some time in v3 I have almost a dozen connection pools
setup with jdbc resources set accordingly.
My web app would not deploy because something about one of the two PU's
was invalid. I tried a number of ways to clean up that PU - deleted it,
rebuilt it in netbeans.
Finally, I went to the glassfish console. I wiped out all jdbc and
connection pools. I stopped glassfish. Checked out domain.xml - and,
yep, all nice and clean. I restarted glassfish and reopened domain.xml
with wordpad - still all nice and clean.
I rebuilt the four connection pools and jdbc in the admin console.
Checked domain.xml - there were those four resources. Everything is
going great.
I deployed the web app - it stood up. Saw some changes that I wanted to
make to the web app. Made my changes and redeployed. Web app failed
with original error - ...NameNotFoundException: connection not found.
I go back to the glassfish console - AND - all the connection pools that
I had removed are back. I am pretty sure I am in that old movie, The
Twilight Zone - I hear the music.
Can anyone tell me how to keep a domain.xml with the required setting???