Admin GUI: can't change password; error occurs

From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:06:46 PDT

Bug filed:

The reason I was trying to change the password in the first place also makes no sense:

On a side note, I just installed a fresh 3.1b19. When I type asadmin login and give the admin user and the default out-of-the-box password of "adminadmin", authentication fails. So as far as I know there is no user that can log in to the asadmin tool. How can I correct this problem?

Next, I thought that since for some reason I can actually log onto the admin GUI without a password (?!) I would just go create a new file user named fred and put him in the asadmin group and give HIM a password. Oops:

How am I supposed to authenticate to a brand new Glassfish instance? Stumped. My GOODNESS installing this thing is a royal pain in the neck.

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