> I was a little worried by your previous statement:
> "On v3 after redeployment it takes about 36 s to get
> the login page, and about 13 s to get the home page."
> I would like to have a reals test case for me to
> investigate the performance more. The apparent
> slowness of accessing the login page might well be
> attributed to osgi startups, like Dominik had
> suggested, and not just JSP compilations, but I
> need to be sure.
Well, the 36 s + 13 s have shrunk to 11 s + 7 s after I turned the SecurityManager OFF (which was off by default in v2 but on by default in v3).
I don't exactly understand the bit about osgi startups. Perhaps someone can give the "osgi for dummies" explanation?
If it's of any help, I re-started Glassfish, waited a little extra moment for it to "settle down", and made another GET of the home page (no redeploy). That took about 12 s on my development box (WinXP, GF3) and 2 s on my production box (Virtualized Linux, GF2). Now, the platforms aren't exactly identical, and ideally I would like to do the same measurement with GF2 on my dev box. But wouldn't you agree that GF3 appears to be significantly slower for this case? Perhaps some stuff isn't battle ready in GF3 after restart?
Now, of course I don't re-start Glassfish with every redeploy (in fact, as seldom as possible), so this is not a problem at all for the "normal" development cycle of edit-compile-redeploy-test.
> For now maybe I can go ahead and put in the fix for
> trimming javac classpaths, and we'll see if you get
> better timing in the responses.
Absolutely! That would be great!
And for another test case, maybe there's some demo app that comes with Glassfish that we both can redeploy and time?
Per Lindberg
[Message sent by forum member 'tmpsa']