Re: Glassfish, OSGi and Eclipse

From: <>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 05:49:41 PDT

Thanks Sahoo - yes, I knew about ...domain1/autodeploy/bundles from your blog, but I don't see how this fits in with either the Glassfish plugin or Eclipse PDE.

The Glassfish plugin deploys to .../domain1/eclipseApps, and I think it only works for Dynamic Web projects (i.e. WARs).

So I would have to set up something like an Ant script to copy my OSGi bundles to the autodeploy folder in one step, then launch Glassfish via the plugin in a second step and hope that source level debugging will work in this combination - all this is not quite as seamless as it could be.

Doing plain old OSGi development with Eclipse PDE, there is normally no deployment at all, in the sense of JARing everything up and copying the JARs to a given place - Eclipse simply installs the class files from multiple project directories in place as exploded bundles, so there is no copying and launching your application is extremly fast.

Essentially, I don't really mind what's going on behind the scenes as long as there is some one-button-launch mechanism for OSGi-based Java EE applications.

Best regards,
[Message sent by forum member 'hwellmann']