Applets and JNLP in v3

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 17:44:41 -0400

I haven't done applets or jnlp for years, but a requirement for a quick
demonstration came up.


These days my web/app server of choice is Glassfishv3 (happen to be
using build 74.3 and JRE 1.6.0_16-b01).


I have spent days running around in circles - searching for HOWTO on
applets and JNLP in v3.


It is like Simplicity-gone-Wild. There are no two articles that say the
same thing. There is not one article that is complete - few are in any
relative to today's environment. Glassfish documentation? WOW.


What does this article say ???
I read it and I know less afterwards. It does say that a developer can
have some control of its JNLP? But, the article provided no way forward
for a developer.


Is ACC the ONLY way to do JNLP in Glassfish v3? If not, where is a
HOWTO article for v3?


I have struggled for days to get a simple applet to stand up from a
.xhtml page. I cannot get a JNLP to launch an applet nor an
application. I work and work and I get nothing.


My team hates Glassfish. My team hates JSF/facelets. I work to show
them that they are wrong. But, from my activities of the last couple of
days, the wolves are circling - they see the final end to these things
that I have held up as the future.


I really did like this Glassfish stuff. But, if I cannot make it work,
I must admit defeat and move on. But, before I go down for the count,
does anyone know of a COMPLETE article on applets and jnlp in v3?