Re: Upgrading from Glassfish 2 to 3 - JSF & EJB problems

From: Richard Kolb <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 11:13:33 +0200

Hi Andrew

On 17 August 2010 14:48, <> wrote:

> You asked me to provide you with a small sample, but I'm afraid it's quite
> hard to isolate the problem.
> I don't know where the problem resides as it works completely in Glassfish
> 2 but not in Glassfish 3.


> The error I receive tells me the DAO classes aren't being injected through
> EJB3, so that could mean a problem with the jars?

This is possible. RichFaces 3.3 demo does not work in GlassFish 3 because
there are some libs that clash with seam (I think)

> I don't think the code has any problems, but I'm guessing it's the setup of
> the project on the server.
> What should I be looking for exactly, and what kind of information could be
> useful for you in order to help me?

That's the key question here :) And I wish I could tell you.

In my experience, making very basic examples to reproduce the problem is the
best way.
If you can do this, I think I can help
