WebServiceException, ClientAbortException

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 06:36:57 -0400

Have been using v2 for quite some time.

Have a test jig with an EJBModule app (processing app) deployed to
Glassfish and a SOAP client to issue synchronous commands to the
processing app. The commands are 2 simple String messages - setup and


The processing app can take several days to complete its task depending
on what it was asked to process. While deployed in v2, the app would
finish cleanly and be in a state of 'ready to process again' - waiting
for the next command.


I recently changed from v2 to v3. After much hassle in getting the app
to function, I deployed and commanded the app to run. Its task only
took it over nite to complete. But, it does not finish cleanly. It now
has a WebServiceException, WstxIOException:null, ClientAbortException,


Is there a setting that I can make to inform the client not to time out?

What changed between v2 and v3 relative to JAX-WS that would cause the
client to appear to have gone away?

I need to change to an asynchronous SOAP - just haven't done so yet. Do
you think that might fix the problem? ( I hate to make changes to a
broken app - too many unknowns for my small mind.)

