Re: Glassfish 3.0.1 Embeddable - WebServices

From: Bhavanishankar <>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 11:34:25 +0530

Yes, this is an issue. We have raised a bug for it at

Will look into this soon.


On 08/04/2010 04:57 PM, Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hello
> Glassfish Embeddable is great and all I am looking for, but I don't
> seem to be able to deploy a simple web service with it.
> I followed this tutorial :
> It works, but the web services never get deployed.
> 10000 points to anyone that can help me with this.
> There are limitations on EJB and WebServices.
> I really don't want to fall back to Axis2.
> thanks
> Richard.