Glassfish instances is taking too much time to start.

From: <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 02:14:43 PDT

I have clustered 8 instances , when i execute a command to start the cluster after stopping it , two of the instances take too much time to start. Both comes in starting mode early but , after taht stays long in this mode.

And both starts with this error

The clustered instance, ifms5, was successfully started.
error 0 [#|2010-07-02T09:49:11.785+0530|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=13;_ThreadName=Executor - 5;_RequestID=03dde384-d288-4e62-81d9-56b00eec6b55;|Received a stale clusterview, older clusterview sequence 4. Current sequence :5 discarding out of sequence view. ChangeEvent=JOINED_AND_READY_EVENT from ifms6|#]

The clustered instance, ifms1, was successfully started.
error 0 [#|2010-07-02T09:49:11.785+0530|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Executor - 2;_RequestID=d4917a44-8c13-4494-9e4d-fba5447ecbf2;|Received a stale clusterview, older clusterview sequence 4. Current sequence :50 discarding out of sequence view. ChangeEvent=JOINED_AND_READY_EVENT from ifms6|#]

Please let me know whether this instances are coming in running mode lately due to this error ? and if yes then what does this error mean.
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