Re: Glassfish instances is taking too much time to start.

From: Joseph Fialli <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 08:18:05 -0400

  See comments inline below.


On 7/2/10 5:14 AM, wrote:
> I have clustered 8 instances , when i execute a command to start the cluster after stopping it , two of the instances take too much time to start. Both comes in starting mode early but , after taht stays long in this mode.
Can you provide a jstack of the two instances that are taking too long
to start up?
Additionally, the server.log of all instances may shed light on what is
going wrong.
(You can collect them with following command: */find $GF_HOME -name
"server.log" -exec jar uvf {} \; /*}

> And both starts with this error
> The clustered instance, ifms5, was successfully started.
> error 0 [#|2010-07-02T09:49:11.785+0530|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=13;_ThreadName=Executor - 5;_RequestID=03dde384-d288-4e62-81d9-56b00eec6b55;|Received a stale clusterview, older clusterview sequence 4. Current sequence :5 discarding out of sequence view. ChangeEvent=JOINED_AND_READY_EVENT from ifms6|#]
> The clustered instance, ifms1, was successfully started.
> error 0 [#|2010-07-02T09:49:11.785+0530|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Executor - 2;_RequestID=d4917a44-8c13-4494-9e4d-fba5447ecbf2;|Received a stale clusterview, older clusterview sequence 4. Current sequence :50 discarding out of sequence view. ChangeEvent=JOINED_AND_READY_EVENT from ifms6|#]
> Please let me know whether this instances are coming in running mode lately due to this error ?
> and if yes then what does this error mean.
There is a sequence id on GMS clusterview messages. When the messages
are processed out of order (can happen since multiple threads are
executing in parallel in
processing incoming messages) the clusterview that was sent along is
discarded. This is not anything that would cause instances to not start
up and the log
message provides no insight into what is causing the problem.

Instances can fail to start due to port conflicts (would be recorded in

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