Embedded Glassfish v3.0.1 WebService deployment error :WS00056

From: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 10:04:59 PDT

I'm running the embedded.glassfish.extras glassfish-embedded-all maven plugin and I'm attempting to load an EJB module that contains a @Stateless EJB that is also annotated with @WebService. However, while the container is loading I receive the following exception message:

WS00056 : Deployment cannot proceed as the ejb has a null endpoint address uri.Potential cause may be webservice endpoints not supported in embedded ejb case

The WebService deploys fine from within Eclipse to an installed instance of GlassFish v3.0.1, so is this an issue where the embedded simply does not support WebServices? And if so, when can I expect that functionality to be present in the embedded server?

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