help installing glassfish?

From: <>
Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 18:41:38 PDT

I'm new to jee and glassfish and have been reading various online documents and finally decided to install and get my first hello world page up. My plan is to make a war file using netbean ide on my Mac and put it on a headless server.

I have a headless server running centos 4.8. I installed jre_1.6_20 downloaded from Sun.
Next I downloaded glassfish v3 (all platforms zip file since other options are for gui installation and my server does not have any gui instances running).

Many documents refer to doing something like "ant -f setup.xml" but i cannot find any "ant" with glassfish. I also couldn't find any setup.xml. But there is asadmin. So I tried to start a domain I keep getting various errors.

If I specify --portbase it says that the port is already in use. I know for a fact that the port is not in use.

If don't specify any --portbase I will ask for admin password but eventually it errors saying I don't have permission to open, say, port 8080 which is non-sense. I still get error saying I can't open port 8080 even if I run it as root.

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