Re: Ping resets connection pool in V2?

From: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:30:54 PDT

I see that for the b5_connection_pool, the connection validation is turned on. The exception No Pool Meta Data object associated with the pool could be because of a connection validation failure. When connection validation fails, the resource is destroyed, recreated and given back to the application. But for the other connection pool, validation is turned off.

If you could turn on the FINE logging for resourceadapter and post the logs when you see the above message, it would be useful.

"An example of such an operation is creating application server instances or clusters when they are not supported by the given domain." --> Which profile are you using in GlassFish V2? You could check that in asadminenv.conf under gf_install/config directory.

How is the monitoring of the connection pools done? Looks like its done across different instances. Are the applications using these pools deployed on different instances? Please post the exact setup.
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