Re: Glassfish crashing or just disappearing

From: <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 PDT

I provided the custom security manager to see if the problem was
occurring as a result of an internal call top exit from within the Glassfish
process. That does not appear to be the case; so that suggets that the
process is either being externally killed (via SIGKILL OR SIGSTOP)
or dying as a result of a jvm or perhaps lower level (e.g. JNI) process crash.

As noted by Shreedar, if the jvm is crashing you should be able to find a crash file
as described in

I trust that you have scanned your system for such files, and
have not found any. I guess one (albeit unlikely) possibility is that
your jvm has been configured to write jvm crash files to /dev/null

Barring that, perhaps as Alexis suggested, some supervising process is sending a kill or stop
signal to the appserver process, perhaps someone monitoring this thread can suggest how to detect
if that is happening.

Another possibility is that your appserver process is encountering a problem in non java code accessed
via JNI (perhaps some database driver or some such thing, and that a problem is occuring in that code,
that is resulting in a process crash below the jvm, and thus not reported via the jvm crash file mechanims.
I have heard of such problems occuring in JDBC drivers that employ JNI. You indicated that your app is logging to a database. Perhaps there is some such problem in that code.

I am not an expert in this sort of thing, but I think such failures, on a UNIX type OS would lead to the
creation of a "core" file...assuming the environment has not been configured to disable the creation of such files. you may find the following helpful.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful, perhaps one of the above links will lead to something.

Also, it sounds like you have a sip application that perhaps is very close to an unencumbered reproducible
test case. If you can boil that down to a minimum portable app and attach it to this thread, that would be a great help.
[Message sent by forum member 'monzillo']