Re: How to PHP enable your Glassfish Application Server

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:06:00 +0200

the patched version works quite stable, however, I'm not sure if caucho will
accept it, as it has a little design flaw (stopping the two "watcher"
threads, while
in theory other components of their app server still could need them).

but as far as running this on glassfish (instead of resin), its a
usable solution.

I'm experiencing a second issue when running a web.xml with servlet 3 header,
but that will probably also fixable.

I'm also currently working on allowing java message bundles (exactly the same
as in jsf) to be used in php apps... but thats in early stages.

I know, it currently sounds like a mess, and sometimes I think that too, but
quercus is currently the best shot we have to have php on the jvm.
If you have time, you could try out they also have some
sort of php support on their websphere server, but I don't know if its possible
to use it on other servers.
