many glassfish - toplink 4011

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 18:00:27 -0400

had a glassfish instance containing an EJBModule with a web service face
and three jdbc connections - one MySQL nonXA and two Oracle XA.
having problems with heap space on one machine - but otherwise running
created a 2nd glassfish on a machine with more memory, poked in the
resources identical to the 1st glassfish instance.
loaded the EJBModule to the 2nd glassfish instance.
changed web client to 'see' the new glassfish instance.
the EJBModule is currently reading from the 2 Oracle sources,
calculating, and storing to the MySQL instance.
but, on em.persist(object) - i ran into a toplink 4011 error.
i have no clue what to do about that.
from the searching that i am doing it looks like it is complaining about
the sequence table, but more than that i haven't figured out just yet.
can anyone poke me in the right direction?