[Glassfish Dev] What IDE is able to handle glassfish-svn/trunk?

From: <>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 02:40:37 PDT


I am trying to set my environment in order to compile Glassfish v3 trunk from a
[i]svn checkout[/i]
to track some troubles I am facing.

For checkout and maven compilation from command line, no trouble. Everything builds smootly, provided I let the computer the three hours it needs for that.

But when entering Eclipse 3.5.1, this is another story...

I started with this Eclipse.ini file:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin

This is the hugiest environment (in term of memory) my Eclipse allows to start with (I have a Windows 7 computer 32 bits with 4GB, but it seems that I can't ask for more than 2 GB per application at a time?).
But after a short while Eclipse ends in a Out of Memory, one way or another. After having to do an Automatic Build of the projects.

I have under my Eclipse a Maven plugin. I think this is the one everybody have, and know as "[i]the worst plugin created since the beginning of the humanity history.[/i]" (if I remember well its name is [i]m2eclipse[/i], but you will reconize it for sure if I tell you that it is one whose "Updates Indexes" task started at launching often takes hours and hangs). I guess this plugin may have a responsability in my troubles.

What are known versions of IDE(s) that are truly able to manage the Glassfish project?
And how shall I set them?


[Message sent by forum member 'grunt2000']