Re: Embedded testing woes

From: <>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:58:15 PDT

Both articles are wrong, and the Javadoc is wrong. The javadoc says that if you call the no-argument createEJBContainer() method, that the classpath will be scanned for, among other things, exploded EJB modules.

I'm in Maven, and so I read this to mean that it will pick up my EJBs if they are visible under either the target/classes or target/test-classes area, both of which are in my classpath. However they are not picked up.

Pushing the com.sun.enterprise and the org.glassfish log levels to FINEST does not indicate what the problem is.

Specification violations aside, at least I have a workaround!
[Message sent by forum member 'ljnelson']