Re: JBoss vs. GlassFish (Why Glassfish?)

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 19:10:14 +0100

Reference implementation in this case means
"first implementation available, that implements the standard."
There will be other implementations of the standard, but with new
releases of the standard,
glassfish (maybe weblogic) will probably always be the first one to
support it, which does
not actually mean that it would automatically be the best implementation.

> But cayhorstmann has just said the opposite: there should NOT be any "best" implementation that we would consider to actually BE the standard because we would also take its quirks for standard.

He means, that you shouldn't make a standard out of an implementation,
but should make an implementation out of a standard.

Its like when you are creating services/DAOs... you should do the
interfaces first and then the actual implementation, as you have a
better view at the problem from the interface "altitude". In this
the standard is the interface, and glassfish is the implementation of
the interface/standard.

hope that helps.

[url=]Dominik Dorn[/url]
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