Exposing jaxws classes when classloader delegate is set to false

From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 15:57:40 PDT

I have an application running on glassfish v3 which requires the classloader delegation to be turned off via sun-web.xml. I'd like to add a jaxws client to this application, but instead of bundling all the jaxws libraries my self, I'd like to reuse the jaxws version that is bundled with metro/glassfish.

My experiments showed that because of the classloader configuration I have in place, my application doesn't see the libraries that glassfish exposes via osgi bundles other than the system bundle (I get NoClassDefFoundError). The docs[1] say that this is expected, but I'm still wondering if there is a way to get both no classloader delegation and access to jaxws without bundling it with my app.

Any thoughts or suggestions are more than welcome.


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