Hide admin console port and add a context-root

From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 14:05:30 PDT

Hi All,

During my deployment of glassfish i have encountered a problem. I have the need to access the admin console but hidding the adminport for example: should be like

under apache i have a proxy pointing like this:

/gadmin http://localhost:4848/gadmin

in this way the port number will be redirected thru the port 80 and will be hidden in the url. To have this working i had to change the "context-root" param in domain.xml file under glassfish/domain/domain1/config

<application context-root="" location="${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/lib/install/applications/__admingui" directory-deployed="true" name="__admingui" object-type="system-admin">

<application context-root="/gadmin" location="${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/lib/install/applications/__admingui" directory-deployed="true" name="__admingui" object-type="system-admin">

Everything works fine except for some links in the main menu for example the link "Java Message Service" points to

instead of

this same happens with some others, apparently the context-root is getting appended twice during url parsing.

Can anybody help on this or does anybody know how to hide the adminport in another way?

[Message sent by forum member 'luzyano']