I may have misspoken earlier.
For the client-side issue you might be seeing Issue 11339 (
https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11339) which has been fixed in GlassFish 3.1 but not in GlassFish 3.0.1. So depending on exactly which version you are running, that might explain it. If you download a recent nightly build of 3.1 that error might disappear.
Or, if you are deploying from an IDE, if you build an .ear file and then deploy that file this problem should not occur on the client during a Java Web Start launch.
For the server-side messages, your earlier description of the project structure used both OpenExchange and ObjectExchange (in various places). Is it possible that the client Class-Path specifies one name while the file is actually named something else? (Just a thought.)
- Tim
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']