Re: Unable to launch Glassfish v3 app client via Java Web Start

From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 01:05:16 PDT

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the help so far. I can report that I started out with 18 extension library jars, and there was only a problem with 3 of the 18 - when I removed the 3 that were being complained about, the application launched OK again. However, I cannot see any pattern in why specifically those 3 were causing a problem (Bouncy Castle, Joda Time, and Commons Logging 1.1.1).
Sorry to keep torturing you, but I have two more woes with this issue :-

Woe number 1 : Using the same little test ear (with no extension libs), start Glassfish V3.1, deploy the test ear via the admin console, launch the test app-client from a browser - all OK. Now shut down Glassfish, leaving the test ear deployed. Start Glassfish again. Use browser to launch the app-client - browser instantly gets 404 error - resource not found. No errors or messages in the server log at all. I tried various combinations of this - restarting the browser, clearing the JWS cache, always a 404. The only way to get rid of it is to undeploy the test ear and redeploy it again.

Woe number 2 : Attached is another small test ear (TestServer.ear), which is the same as the first, except now the app-client part has another simple Java library jar, called TestLib, upon which it depends, but the test lib is packaged with the TestApp (as opposed to being placed in the lib/ext sub-directory of the domain. Upon deploying the ear, the server reports the following problem :-
WARNING: ACDEPL112: The following extensions or libraries are referenced from the manifest of /home/steve/glassfishv31/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/TestServer/TestApp.jar but were not found where indicated: TestLib.jar ; ignoring and continuing

This is not really a show-stopper, because the ear deploys successfully, and the app-client can be launched and run successfully - but it still sort of indicates that things are not being found.

I'll go away after these last two things are solved - promise !!


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