Instability using Gklassgfish and Openlaszlo

From: <>
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 22:10:33 PDT

Hi !
I m using glassfish for a few month now, and encoutering instability... let me explain further:

I ve developped an application using OpenLaszlo deployed on glassfish.
I m using a Mysql database and php program to access data, under quercus (as well deployed under glassfish)

One php script creates an XML file containing products data, including link to image. Openlaszlo uses it to create one view per product (including picture of the product using the link)

I have some strange behavior which is not reproductible (each time i refresh the browser i tend to obtain different results ... weird i know :0) :
- sometimes everything is right
- sometimes i got error messages for some of the images : WARNING: Loader error canvas.mediaerrortimeout exceeded for ../resources/menu_img_client/medium/

In order to take php out of the equation, I ve created a static XML documents and launch my application :
i don t get an error message but some of the product image are not displayed, and the products image not displayed is at random (each time i launch the application i get different results) !!!

any idea what can cause this behavior ? Any cache parameters from glassfish or memory issue ?

I m struggling with that for one month now ... any help or idea where to investigate is more than welcome !

thanks in advance
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