You could use the Flush connection pool feature to re-initialize all
connections in the pool. All connections in the pool are recreated and
pool is brought back to the steady pool size.
The existing live connections are destroyed and the existing
transactions must be retired as they would be lost. If you want to kill
the aged connections in the pool, this is a feature to use.
asadmin flush-connection-pool <pool-name> CLI command can be used for
this purpose. In the admin console, you can find a Flush button.
Xavier Callejas wrote:
> Hi,
> If for some reason I need to restart MySQL, the Glassfish connection pool will
> loss connection, how can I restart the pool to continue working witout
> restarting Glassfish?
> Can the pool automatically restart itself if it detect the connection is lost?
> I'm using Glassfish v3.
> Thank you.
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