Glassfish v3 ClassLoader issue (potential bug)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 01:53:07 PDT

When doing a little XML work, I see this error in the logs:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: WEB9031: WebappClassLoader unable to load resource [], because it has not yet been started, or was already stopped

According to the GF docs, this error "usually indicates that the classloader of a web application was cached, and an attempt is being made to have it load resources even though the web application with which the classloader used to be associated has already been undeployed."

The suggested solution is to "Make sure that the classloader associated with your web application is not cached and used beyond the lifetime of your web application."

Except, I'm not doing anything with any classloader. All I'm doing is deploying an application that attempts to create an XML file. Of note is that this error occurs by: deploying the app, triggering the code to write the XML; but it does NOT occur if I: deploy the app, restart the server, trigger the code that writes the XML. Ergo, it appears something is wrong with the handling of class loaders during / arter the deploy process.

Looks like it might be similar to this:

And to this:

It was even known before the GFv3 release:

And it might even be similar to this:

Anybody know...
1) how to get this fixed?
2) A work-around besides restarting gf after each deploy?
3) Anything else?
[Message sent by forum member 'rwillie6']