Re: Problems with GFv3 and OSGI Web bundle

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 07:26:23 -0700

Pavel Kuzin wrote:
> On 16.03.2010 02:00, Sahoo wrote:
>> Pavel,
>> You probably meant v3u1 b08. That's not going to work, for the fix
>> has gone into trunk where the next scheduled release is going to be
>> GF v3.1. Try using a build from trunk and let me know if it does not
>> work. Use a SNAPSHOT if there is no promoted build on trunk. I don't
>> think I can fix these bugs in Gfv3_u1, because the release criteria
>> for update#1 does not permit me.
> This is really bad news for me.
> This bug is doing useless gfv3 for JSF2 development in OSGI enviroment.

I take your feedback to release manager and see what can be done.
