Glassfish 2.1.1 multi-physical machine clustering

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 16:28:15 PDT


I have been working to cluster glassfish using 2 node agents managing 2 server instances across 2 separate machines using in memory replication. To front and load balance these instances we have picked mod_proxy (no reason other than it has worked in the past) using the ajp connectors. Load balancing failover in between instances running on the same machines & node agents works great. We can shut off one or the other or manually fail over the mod_proxy connection and the session is saved. The problem arises when I try to failover from one physical machine / node agent to another. The session data is not saved and a new session is created. In addition, there are no meaningful log messaged or errors. Is there some secret to setting up cross-server replication? Is this a feature that is not supported by glassfish when using mod_proxy? I have not tried the suggested http balancing and apache plugin mentioned on this page:

Thank you in advance for your help.

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