Entities refreshing in JPA 2.0 in GlassFish V3

From: <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 04:29:33 PST

I have a relation (in Derby ) like Order --> OrderLine.

In Order is

    @Basic(fetch= FetchType.EAGER )
    public Collection<OrderLines> getOrderLinesCollection() {
        if ( orderLinesCollection== null )
            orderLinesCollection= new ArrayList();
        return orderLinesCollection;

The problem is

a) If new OrderLine is added to db separately like.


        and then Order is fetched like
            SELECT o FROM Order o WHERE = :orderId "

        the new ordeline is not in orderlines collection.

        WHY ?
        => How the new orderline can be refreshed in EntityManager ?

b) If new OrderLine is added thru Order like


                Now the query presented up finds the new orderline just
                inserted to database.
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