GF/JRuby Process Question

From: Robert Weeks <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 09:31:52 -0800

Hello all -

In converting a current RoR application to use jruby under the glassfish umbrella, I was curious if there was a way to start an external ruby process so that it is using the same jruby container that the rails app is using.

Example - the current application is using ActiveMessaging for access to ActiveMQ (which I also need to figure out how to plugin to v3 - but will get to that later - or decide to migrate to openmq if needed ;) ) - so the current app starts the poller processes for the queues (ruby script/poller_xxx) so that they are waiting for attention. This is another issue as well being that these use the daemons gem - which jruby doesn't like - but wanted to find out the possibility of running an external process like this within the same ruby-container as the main app.

Any thoughts?


Robert B. Weeks