Re: EJB3 and CORBA client

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 10:39:18 +1100

It might be easier if you first start with an EJB2 application and a
Corba client. Use the EJB2 Remote interface to your bean to generate an
IDL file, from which you can generate the C stubs.
The JDK has a tool to generate the IDL files (rmic -idl).
The CORBA implementation you use in your C++ client should have a tool
to generate the stubs from it.

I think you definitely need to have (EJB2 style) home and remote
interfaces for your EJB3 application to make it accessible from a CORBA

If the above doesn't help, you could try giving us more details. (what
did you try, why/how did it fail?) Or wait for someone to provide a
working sample of course :)

Good luck,

On 9/03/2010 00:51, wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about Glassfish EJB3 and Corba client.
> I'm working on a project where a C++ Corba client has to talk with an EJB3 deployed in glassfish.
> The final aim is that he can connect via IOR an reference and communicate.
> I've tried many things, followed many pseudo-tutorial, but nothing work...
> Firstly, I'd like to make a Java Corba client (java but not an EJB client) which connect at an EJB3 in glassfish.
> Is it possible, and can someone explain precisely how to do it (with the code of a simple example [both side] if possible, it would be very helpfull).
> I'm working with java 6, Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3.
> If it is possible, how to do it with a C++ client, if someone has tried, which ORB do you used, can you give a sample code?
> And a last question, can you directly have an IOR of an EJB deployed in glassfish, or should I connect with namespace and require the IOR to know it?
> Thank you so much.
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