Deploy EA on Glassfish 3.0.1

From: <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 05:14:17 PDT


I am trying to deploy some EE6 application. I am using Netbeans 6.8 for deploying application.

The reason why I am using 3.0.1, which is not officially available is because in Glassfish v3 I am not able to deploy any Message bean ( it says "Message Driven Beans can't be Managed Beans" ). From posts on internet I found only solution is to try some newer build of glassfish.

But in 3.0.1 I am not able to deploy Enterprise Application ( tried builds 9 and 11 ). The application consists from ejb and war.
Log says glassfish cannot find some jars:
... domains/domain1/applications/MyApp/lib/../../private/share/lib/jaxrpc-spi.jar does not exist
... domains/domain1/applications/MyApp/lib/servlet.jar does not exist
... domains/domain1/applications/MyApp/lib/namespace.jar does not exist
... domains/domain1/applications/MyApp/lib/../../private/share/lib/relaxngDatatype.jar
... domains/domain1/applications/MyApp/lib/../../private/share/lib/xsdlib.jar does not exist
And it ends with
A ApplicationRef with the same key "MyApp" already exists in Server server
org.jvnet.hk2.config.TransactionFailure: A ApplicationRef with the same key "MyApp" already exists in Server server

Jaxrpc, relaxngDatatype and xsdlib can be found in different directories of my project.but namespace.jar and servlet.jar not. (And I think they shouldn't be deployed with application)

However I am able to deploy war only ( and it deploys ejb, which is packaged with it as well )

So is there any way to deploy and run Java EE6 application with Message Beans, ejb and war on glassfish?
Any help appreciated.
[Message sent by forum member 'vasekt']