Re: Manually customizing files in deployed war

From: Farrukh Najmi <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:21:53 -0500

Hi Jerome,

Many thanks for your solution to my problem.

I would like nothing more to migrate to GF V3 Final (and propose to my
customers to do the same).

Unfortunately I need to use prelude until I find a way to either disable
some validation code that is new is v3-final (since V3-prelude), or fix
the underlying root cause problem:


Any advice on how to avoid (turn off) this new validation behavior
temporarily in my server? Thanks again.

Jerome Dochez wrote:
> 2 things :
> - don't use prelude. switch to the final version
> - deploy an expanded directory rather than the war archive file and modify the files in that directory rather than modifying the ones in the domains directory.
> To expand the war, just jar -xvf it.
> to deploy a directory is the same command as deploying an archive : "asadmin deploy mydirectory"
> jerome
> On Jan 20, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>> This is hopefully a simple question.
>> I am transitioning my webapp from Tomcat to Glassfish V3.
>> In Tomcat if I wish to customize any files in the webapps war
>> I can manually edit it in the directory tree that represent the expansion of the webapp war.
>> I am not sure how I can do the same in Glassfish V3 as I am not as familiar with what happens under the hood
>> when I use the Admin GUI or "admin deploy" to deploy a webapp.
>> Is it safe to manually update files after deployment under the components directory in the glassfish directory tree:
>> ~/glassfish-v3-prelude/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/<component name>
>> is there a better way?
