Error with multiple databases and XA

From: <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:38:52 PST

I'm using Netbeans 6.8 and GlassfishV3 (build 74.2), my system is used to modify services of telephone lines and modify three databases (Oracle 10g, PostgreSQL and DB2) for this reason I use XA: Read a tuple of the Oracle table tbl_orcl_a and tells me what I have to do (for example, enable a service) and execute certain commands by using a Telnet connection that is in a Singleton EJB, all is well up to this point, then do the following:

 [1] Register the service by creating a tuple in an Oracle table called tbl_orcl_b
 [2] If the service need modify a tuple of tbl_psql_c in Postgres (this point can be irrelevant because it is not common)
 [3] Changing a field in the table tbl_as400_d
 [4] Changing a field in the tuple in the table tbl_orcl_a so never read this tuple again.

Here comes the problem:

 - When I run the first time (enabling the service), everything works fine.
 - When I run the second time (by disabling the service), everything works fine.
[b] - When I run the third time (enabling service again) apparently everything is fine because I have no exception though the changes to the points [3] and [4] have not really done because the database remains the same data.[/b]

All processes that modify the databases are @ TransactionAttribute (TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY) but It didn't work if no use TransactionAttribute

What is the problem for this?[b][/b][b][/b][b][/b]
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