RE: Re: JAX-RS error code 500 = GlassFish HTML error page

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:57:07 +0100

So is that a bug in GF or is it not?

> > In my message above, I talked about application defined error pages,
> > the same thing you mentioned here. My message is about creating a
> > REST web service that returns an error as part of the API, and not
> > wanting GlassFish to do anything but pass it to the client as-is. I
> > don't want to return a web page.
> > I want to return exactly what my programming told GlassFish to
> > return, so defining error-pages in web.xml completely defeats the
> > purpose.
> Agreed, it was a suggestion to workaround GF restrictions.
> Paul.
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