Seam, Web Services and GlassFish - seambay example

From: Markus Weiß <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:02:37 +0100

I know there has been a thread about this already, but there was no
solution given for it.

Therefore once more the question on how to get webservices in glassfish
running within the seam context.

I deployed the seambay example from the seam examples folder (seam 2.1.2
- GlassFish 2.1.1) in the GlassFish after the GlassFish specific changes
and the application itself is running really well. But everytimes I try
to invoke a webservice method I get the following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No event context active

If I deploy the original ear to JBoss everything works fine.

Maybe anybody has an idea (the seam SOAPRequestHandler is called - so
the handler chain that insures that the Seam context should be called)
or could help me? I really stuck on this problem because I'm evaluating
seam for a SOA environment. I could also send the ear if someone likes
to take a look at it.
