Re: Unable to List JNDI (listBindings) from standalone client

From: <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:27:21 PST

> Which JDK and platform are you using?

Java Version 1.6.0_17-b04
Linux 2.6.18-128 X86_64

> This works
> fine for me, in the sense that the server is
> contacted. Note that the listBindings will likely
> fail with a NotSerializableException since the client
> program is asking for all objects from the top-level
> of the namespace, and not all are intended to be sent
> over the wire.
> However, the root of the issue is whether the client
> can bootstrap the GlassFish naming provider, which
> should work fine with only gf-client.jar or
> appserv-rt.jar in the classpath. Are you
> referring to gf-client.jar from within the
> $GF_HOME/modules/ directory itself or copying it to
> some other location? gf-client.jar can not be
> easily relocated.

I've tried a variety of ways. Right now, the [b]gf-client.jar[/b] is listed as a single jar file inside my client distributable (also a jar file). I assume to get this to work, I'll have to specify an explicit run time classpath?

Here is the package target.

<target name="package.client" depends="compile.client" description="build client dist">

  <jar destfile=${build}/${}">
      <fileset dir="${build.client}" defaultexcludes="yes">
        <include name="**/*">

     <zipfileset src="${env.GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/modules/gf-client.jar"/>

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