Re: The context root [...] in application [...] is already in use by another application on this instance [server]

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 10:24:30 -0500

Hi, Markus
Not sure why the cases would do the magic, but could you provide a
little bit more information on the machine set up? :-)
Is this a cluster set up or a single instance set up? You mentioned
there is a second server which is in the same LAN which works ok, what's
the relationship of that second server to this instance you were trying
to undeploy the application from?
What's the exact command you used to undeploy the application from the
instance? If the instance is part of the cluster set up, you can only
remove the application reference from that instance and not undeploy
(the undeploy command is to remove the application from the whole domain).


- Hong

Markus Karg wrote:
> Strange but true, Daniel got it to work:
> original ear was written in camel case, and deployment did not work
> anymore in original case
> then he deployed and undeployed in all-lower case (what is working
> only on Windows due to NTFS's case insensitivity)
> THEN the deployment of the camel case worked!
> REALLY WEIRD! It looks like the deployment of the wrong-cased EAR
> cleaned up the temporary trash that was left over after the undeploy.
> If that would be true, Daniel should get awarded a "worst trick ever
> award in gold". ;-)
> Daniel, good Job!
> Regards
> Markus
> *From:* Eve Pokua []
> *Sent:* Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010 10:54
> *To:* glassfish users GFusers
> *Subject:* RE: The context root [...] in application [...] is already
> in use by another application on this instance [server]
> Hi,
> Have you tried undeploying from the admin console and restarting the
> server?
> eve
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 09:55:40 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: The context root [...] in application [...] is already in use
> by another application on this instance [server]
> Dear GlassFish Community,
> our customer is using GlassFish v2ur2 with our EAR without problems so
> far, but recently he wanted to replace the EAR and now the server
> instance seems to be broken:
> "asadmin undeploy" removed the EAR from the instance, then the host
> was rebootet. Subsequent "asadmin deploy" with the new EAR is not
> working, it says: "The context root […] in application […] is already
> in use by another application on this instance [server]". This is
> rather weird, as there actually is *nothing* deployed currently in
> that instance (but a second server is running in the same LAN with
> *the same* EAR, having no problems at all).
> We would be rather glad if somebody could tell us what the cause of
> this message could be (again, *nothing* is currently deployed on that
> machne)!
> Thanks in advance
> Markus
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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