Glassfish V3 Standalone JMS Client - Question

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 04:33:07 PST


I just upgrade to V3 Glassfish and I am not able to reach my JMS Connection Factories and Queues from a [b]stand alone client[/b]. Can anyone point me in the correct direction? Perhaps I have the incorrect jars for GF v3 client, or need to do something new?

In my stand alone client, I use JNDI To look up the the connection factory as such (jms/ConnectionFactoryName) and in the application server it is defined appropriately.

My GF 2.1 server used to publish a queue at 'jms/Queue' reachable from 'jms/ConnectionFactoryName'. One of the differences that I notice in the log files is that the 2.1 server states:

"JMS Service Connection URL is :mq://[specific host name here]:7676/"

Where as the V3 Log message indicates, I'm surprised by this, but unsure if it will affect clients

"JMS Service Connection URL is :mq://localhost:7676/"

The specific exception that I see in the client is:
 at ... where I call my connection factory.

I start my application by supplying a system property of:


this worked in GF V2.1

thank you for any helpful tips.
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