multiple hudson processes running

From: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 08:01:15 PST

We're using hudson to monitor the availability of our website by running a project that checks certain web addresses in our domain and throws and error if anything returns besides an "OK". We recently moved our hudson to a different tomcat server on the same box. Everything is working all right except that it seems that the old hudson process is still running. We have hudson set up to send us emails if it doesn't get an OK response from the web server. We didn't have the address that it sends emails from configured before the move but it was configured after the move. So when the website goes down, we get two sets of emails telling us the build failed: one from <address not configured> and one from the address we did configure. Also, we reset the interval in which builds the project after the move so if our site goes down, we get emails at different intervals from the two addresses. We can't seem to find out how to shut down the other process. Can anybody point us in the right direction?
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